What’s in the cards? newsletter
Cruel Summer Book Club creator Jillian Anthony has survived heartbreak and loss, but after a year of documenting her grief, she sees that the possibilities are endless.
September 18, 2020
The Sunday Soother: jillian anthony of cruel summer book club on heartache, grief, and the healing process
In today's Sunday Soother Advicecast, Catherine interviews Jillian Anthony, author of the newsletter Cruel Summer Book Club, a weekly newsletter about grief, loss, healing, and more. Catherine and Jillian talk about romantic grief, shame and grief, the mind-body connection in enabling healing, resources for loss, and a whole lot more.
November 24, 2019
The luminaries with david goldberg: Jillian anthon'y’s Cruel Summer
In 2015, Jillian Anthony hired David Goldberg as her assistant editor at Time Out New York. In the years since, she served as T.O.'s editor-in-chief and as CultureTrip's Deputy Editorial Director (and hoofed a lot of the city with David). Now, Anthony curates, writes and edits the Cruel Summer Book Club, a newsletter about grief, heartbreak, and building community. She joins David to talk about Cruel Summer and their shared years in the city.
March 17, 2020
Contexts magazine: Culture and journalism
Alisha Kirchoff and Fabio Rojas interview Jillian Anthony, a writer, journalist, and editor based in New York City. She was the chief editor of Time Out New York and has worked for Culture Trip, Conde Nast Traveler, USA Today, Los Angeles Magazine, and numerous other publications. Currently, her newsletter, Cruel Summer Book Club, explores healing and hope in a time of crisis.
September 25, 2020
Lightbox: going to events with jillian anthony and alex shebar of culture trip
Talking to events company Lightbox about Culture' Trip’s experiences vertical, and all things in experiential art, technology and marketing.
March 9, 2020
World Forum Disrupt: Women in Media New York
Asking for More Money 101: Want more money? No one's just going to give it to you, especially if you're a woman: Women make 80% of what men do, women of color endure an even larger gender pay gap, and men are more likely than women to negotiate starting salaries as well as ask for a raise. It's time to put your hand up, advocate for yourself and earn more, from freelance rates to promotions and beyond. Jillian Anthony, the US editor of Culture Trip and a master negotiator, will clue you in to the basic money-making tips all women need to know to make sure they're getting what they deserve.
December 5, 2018
SPeaker: TEDxNYU
What I’ve learned from years of running Time Out New York’s Undateables column, writing a sex and dating advice column and single life in NYC: Date with intent.
December 4, 2018
Television: NBC for Time Out New York
Podcast: Hannah and Matt know it all
Each week, advice column aficionados Han and Matt re-answer the greatest questions from other advice columns and podcasts as well as fielding new questions. Topics include: relationships, sexuality, roommates, workplace, health, culture, politics, and everything in between.
April 30, 2017
Podcast: speaking of carrie
The podcast where we mostly talk about Miranda. Based out of NYC, hosted by comedians and SATC Bus Tour Guides Melissa Stokoski and Elyse Brandau.
May 2018
Podcast: The bradshaw boys
A podcast where three relatively grown men (Cory Cavin, Jon Sieber, Kevin James Doyle) watch and discuss the iconic HBO series Sex and the City. Produced by Jeremy Balon at Seltzer Kings Studios in Brooklyn.
May 2018
Podcast: The Week in sex
A sex comedy podcast hosted by comedians Allan Fuks and Keanu Thompson.
March 7, 2018